Important News For New Jersey Massage Therapists!

Happy Monday, New Jersey Massage Therapists! We have some important news regarding some recent rule changes concerning your massage therapy continuing education requirements. On September 4th, 2012 the New Jersey Massage, Bodywork, and Somatic Therapy Examining Committee released important changes which could affect you in your pursuit of continuing education. The highlights include:
  • Each licensee must complete during the preceding biennial renewal period 20 credit hours of continuing education related to the practice of massage and bodywork therapy.
  • These 20 credit hours must include at least two hours in the subject of ethics.
  • A maximum of six of the mandatory 20 credit hours of continuing education can be obtained from courses presented online (Internet courses) or through DVD courses.
  • Courses that are related solely to the business practice of licensees and courses in practices which licensees are prohibited from engaging in WILL NOT satisfy the continuing education requirements.
  • A licensee who completes more than the required 20 hours of continuing education credits in any biennial period may carry no more than 18 of the additional credit hours into a succeeding biennial period. (Two hours of ethics education must be completed during every biennial renewal period.)

Read Subchapter 4. Continuing Education 13:37A-4.1(c) at the New Jersey Massage Bodywork and Somatic Therapy Examining Committee for details about the rule changes. HomeCEU is a National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) Approved Provider (#451771-11) and any continuing education hours you complete through us are accepted for your NCBTMB certification renewal. As an NCBTMB Approved provider, our courses also meet most states' continuing education requirements including New York and Pennsylvania. To find out if courses are approved in any other state please visit the state specific course catalog.

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This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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