How A Massage Ethics Course Can Improve Your Reputation (And Your Business)

It's an unfortunate truth that massage therapists can be faced with the struggle to be recognized as legitimate and ethical care givers when the professions reputation frequently takes blows from negative media exposure. On any given day, a quick news search can reveal stories of scam artists and illicit massage clinics or practitioners being busted all across the US. So how do you overcome this challenge for yourself and your business? One simple way is, believe it or not,by taking an ethics course.

Commitment to Your Craft

Even if yours isn't a state that has an ethics requirement, completing an ethics course from an accredited provider can benefit you in a few ways. First and foremost, though, is that it is a great way to reaffirm your commitment to your profession and to holding to exceedingly high ethical standards when serving your clients. An ethics course will also keep you current on any legal issues that may have changed or cropped up. A good course gives you the ability navigate the tricky waters of interacting with clients while providing them with your services. As the relationship between the therapist and client becomes more complex with increased legal responsibilities, it is more important than ever to have a solid base to refer back to. Another benefit of taking an approved ethics course is that you also get to knock out a few hours of your continuing education requirements (check with your individual state and regulating body to see what your rules are).

Reassure your clients

Just as doctors proudly display their credentials on the walls of their offices, so should you. Not only should you display your license to reassure clients that they're in the right place, frame your ethics course certificates, too. They can help build trust with your clients and show them that you're serious about providing a safe environment.

Spread the word

Don't be afraid to discuss ethics with your clients if they have reservations. Be open to questions they may have and answer honestly. And don't limit the conversation to within the walls of your business, take it social. Initiating conversations on your social media outlets about ethics and encouraging your existing clients to post testimonials can encourage potential clients who had been hesitant about seeking massage services to take the first step and call you. Social sharing is a very valuable and inexpensive tool, don't be afraid to take full advantage of it! No matter what your state ethics requirements may be, investing a bit of time and money in an approved ethics course can benefit you professionally and boost your business reputation. The has two Seminar-on-Demand ethics courses that fit the bill: Professional Ethics: The Foundation For A Successful Massage Practice and Ethics in Therapeutic Presence.
This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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