Hooray for National PT Month 2015!!

Hooray for National PT Month 2015!!
National Physical Therapy Month is here, it's time for all you PTs and PTAs to celebrate your 80 years of helping the nation heal. It's also time to educate those that haven't yet found themselves in need of physical therapy about all that you do. This years theme is "AgeWell". This October for National PT Month, the focus is on healthy aging and the many ways that physical therapists, as movement experts, can help individuals overcome pain, gain and maintain movement, and preserve their independence. If you don't already have a plan in place to promote your profession, head on over to the APTA website and check out their "2015 NPTM Event Planning Guide", it has a plethora of tools and resources for putting together some great community events. Free posture screenings, balance assessments, or fun runs are fabulous ways to get the community involved in the celebration. You can also find some NPTM bling and swag from places like the Advance Healthcare Shop or Epromos.com. Be proud, share your passion for your profession with Tshirts and banners and giveaway goodies. HomeCEUConnection.com loves our entire extended therapy family, but for October it's our awesome PTs and PTAs who are getting the warm hugs and manly high-fives. From all of us to all of you...Thanks for keeping us healthy and active! Originally published October 2012
This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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