An Urgent Message Regarding Florida Occupational Therapy CE Rules

We've been fielding calls from a lot of Florida OTs and OTAs regarding a rule change regarding their CEUs. We have confirmed with the head of the continuing education department of the Florida Occupational Therapy Board, that, effective March 1st, 2015, they will officially change their definition of "interactive" course work. Until midnight on February 28th, 2015, all courses remain in the "Interactive" category. There will be no enforcement of changes to requirements for the 2015 renewal deadline.

Don't Panic, You're Good!

For this cycle, ALL of our Florida occupational therapy CEUs (text, pre-recorded video, webinars), count towards your license renewal with no restrictions. We will report to CE Broker as usual, and, beginning February 10th, 2015, we will be reporting three times per week. After the 2015 license renewal period, Florida OTs and OTAs will be limited to a maximum of 12 hours of non-interactive "home study" courses (any text or video based courses) per cycle. Interactive courses will have to offer the ability to communicate with the instructor in real-time, such as online webinars: Section 64B11-5.001 Requirements for License Renewal of an Active License (4), "Taking a computerized exam at the end of the study, or being able to e-mail the instructor with a question does not qualify home study as a live or interactive course", will be enforced as of March 1st, 2015.

What Does That Mean For You?

For this renewal cycle, it's business as usual. For the 2017 renewals, we will be putting together a schedule of real-time interactive webinars to help you meet your new Florida Occupational Therapy CE needs. We will be adding more to the schedule on a regular basis, so check back frequently to find approved interactive courses to meet your requirements and get those pesky CEUs done ahead of time! If you have any questions about your Florida occupational therapy continuing education please call our office at 1.800.554.2387 or email me at

This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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