4 Things You Need To Know About Reporting To CE Broker

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Florida physical therapy professionals are not only staring at a rapidly approaching license renewal deadline, they also face an additional challenge many rehab professionals have been lucky enough to escape: Mandatory reporting with an official CE tracking agency. CE Broker is the official continuing education system for the Florida Department of Health, and the website where the license renewal process is performed. In addition to servicing physical therapy professionals, the site is also the official reporting agency for occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and athletic trainers. Here are 4 important things to know about the CE reporting process.

HomeCEU.com Reports to CE Broker on your behalf

Yep, you read that right. We know you're under enough pressure to finish your CEs, so we've taken over that particular chore. So once you've passed your exam, you can relax and know that your credits will be reported to CE Broker. Technically, there is a 90 day window in which we can submit your CEs, but we think that's way too long, so we do it within 1 business week.

You Have Until 11:59PM on November 30th To Complete Your CEs

As long as you are issued a certificate of completion with a date on or before November 30th, 2013 date as the date of completion, you are in compliance with Florida PT renewal criteria. That means if you've left your CEs until literally the last minute, you'll be fine. NOTE: You MUST pass your webinar exam before midnight Central Time on the date of your webinar.

You May Not Be Able To View Your Reported Credits

CE Broker offers several tiers of membership. The lowest membership tier is not able to see that we have reported to CE Broker. So while you may not be able to see your CEs in your account, that does not mean they have not be reported. Other reasons include incorrect license number, or your name is different in your HomeCEUConnection.com account than what is in CE Brokers database. This is an easy fix: Give us a call, we're ready to help.

You Can Self-Report Your Credits

Don't want to wait for us to do it for you? No problem! Your Florida Board wants you to renew your license as soon as possible. This is the first renewal cycle the Board is requiring you to enter your CE courses prior to completing the renewal process. You can enter HomeCEUConnection.com courses as "Courses Sponsored by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) or any of its Components". Easy!

If you have any other questions regarding reporting your Florida PT continuing education requirements so that you can proceed with your license renewal hassle-free, drop us an email at Anne@HomeCEUConnection.com or call 1.800.554.2387.

This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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