Accreditation Information:
Course Outline:
Course Outline
Hour 1
- Dentition
- Role of incisors, canines, pre-molars and molars
- Natural dentition versus dentures versus implants,
- Bite force, mastication,
- Impact of tooth loss
Hour 2
- Oral care
- Impact of oral care on patients health including diabetic patients and cancer patients
- Studies showing benefits of adequate oral care
- Oral care protocols for natural dentition and dentures
- Denture adhesives and oral care
Hour 3
- Diet Options per National Dysphagia Diet and IDDSI
- Role of dysphagia evaluation in determining diet selection
- Information revealed from bedside assessment and instrumental assessments
- Options for meats and why meats are difficult to process
- What is appropriate bite size for diet levels
- Role of mealtime strategies and supervision in patient safety
- Aspiration precautions