Bruce H. Greenfield, PT, PhD, FNAP, FAPTA

Bruce H. Greenfield, PT, PhD, FNAP (Fellow National Academies of Practice), FAPTA, is a professor in the Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, where he has been on the faculty since 1985. He is a senior fellow in the Emory University Center for Ethics, and affiliated faculty, Certificate Program Disability, Health and Culture. He is a member of the Emory University Hospital Ethics Committee. Dr. Greenfield holds a bachelor of arts degree from Oglethorpe University; a certificate in physical therapy and master of medical science degree, both from Emory University; and a PhD in higher education from Georgia State University. He subsequently received an additional master’s degree in bioethics from Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois.

Dr. Greenfield was appointed by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Board of Directors to serve on the APTA Ethics and Judicial Committee. He currently chairs that committee. He also chairs the Research Committee of the Physical Therapy Association of Georgia and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Physical Therapy Education and the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy. Dr. Greenfield’s influential writings on ethics in physical therapy have twice been recognized by the APTA section on Education as recipient of its prestigious Stanford Award. His scholarship focuses on strategies to improve patient-centered care, including the development of an ethics of care based on phenomenology that contains practical steps to help clinicians understand the values and concerns of apatient living with disabilities as those values emerge and change over time.


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Ethical Issues and Decision Making 2nd Edition

5 Hours Instructional Level: Intermediate
From $89
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This intermediate level course provides physical therapists and physical therapist assistants with an updated primer on the study of ethics and ethical behaviors as they apply to physical therapy practice. The course is designed to help clinicians effectively and efficiently integrate ethical decision making into their clinical practice.