It's National Rehabilitation Week!

Each year, rehabilitation professionals join together during the third week in September to celebrate the power of their work and spread the message that through rehabilitation there is hope, achievement, and success. From September 16th to the 22nd 2012, rehab professionals will work hard to promote the value and importance of rehabilitation by sharing information with the public. It's time to toot your horns, beat your drums and just generally spread the word about the amazing work that you do!

There are lots of great ways you can do this: post in educational forums, attend festivals and fairs; write articles for newspapers and blogs; do interviews on television and radio reports; display through billboards, banners, community bulletin boards. The list goes on! And let's not forget the power of flair!!

The National Rehabilitation Awareness Foundation was established by Allied Services in 1996. Its mission is to educate people about the benefits and impact of rehabilitation; develop programs which aim to increase opportunities for the nearly 50 million Americans with disabilities, and help those who are disabled live up to their fullest potential through rehabilitation.

Be loud, be proud and spread the word!

This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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