How Exercise Can Improve Cystic Fibrosis

For the millions living with cystic fibrosis, day to day activities can become quite challenging. You can help yourself alleviate the daily reminding pains that come and help improve your body's overall health by staying active and strengthening your muscles. Fortunately, exercise can be exactly what you need to feel a thousand times better, but before you start racing around the track, follow these tips to use exercise to alleviate your symptoms associated with cystic fibrosis.

Exercise Increases Endorphins

Studies have proven that exercise increases the amount of endorphins people produce in their brains, and these endorphins are what make people feel happy. If you've ever had to be immobile for a long period of time, whether sitting all day at a desk, traveling in a car or plane, or hiding home due to inclement weather, you know how great it feels when you finally get to move around and stretch your arms and legs. Your exercise routine can include basics, like stretching and deep breathing which are very non-strenuous activities, or more difficult ones, like walking, dancing, or hula hooping.

Pick Your Tune

Try putting on your favorite song, and dance to it until the song ends. This will give you a time limit of approximately three minutes, and it'll get you moving out of your chair. The movement will help strengthen and lengthen muscles and tendons that may be tight or otherwise unused, and it'll improve breathing and lung function. Concentrate on the beautiful tune or words to a song to force your brain to direct its attention to something other than the discomfort you might be experiencing. Dancing or swaying to a song will get blood pumping in the body, but remember that discomfort isn't the same as pain. If you start to feel pain, take a break or cool off a bit!

Get Wii-Fit

Many retirement communities incorporate Wii gaming systems to bring movement and fun to an otherwise sedentary person. People affected by cystic fibrosis could benefit from low-impact gaming systems like the Wii. These games allow people to dance, bowl, volley tennis balls, and shoot darts while in a comfortable space. Plenty of games can be completed alone or in a group. Pick which ones you find appealing and see which ones work the best for you. Exercise can add to anyone's life who's living with cystic fibrosis. You don't have to take an hour-long aerobics class in order to stay fit and active. Movement in all forms is beneficial for everyone. If you move for five minutes about ten different times throughout the day, that's 50 minutes of exercise! Multiply that by how often you exert yourself during the week and you'll be amazed at how many years you'll be adding to your life, while looking great in the process. Never forget that, with any medical condition, it's always best to consult a doctor before beginning any kind of exercise routine. Kathy Flute is a registered nurse who works in an assisted living facility. She enjoys writing about mental health, physical fitness, offering advice to expectant mothers, and the Top 10 Best Online Master of Science in Nursing Degrees.
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