Differential Diagnosis for Direct Access PT: The 5 Ws (and the H!)

Differential Diagnosis for Direct Access PT: The 5 Ws (and the H!)

Differential Diagnosis for Direct Access PTs: The 5 W's (and the H!)

Direct access to physical therapy is now available in nearly every state with varying levels of restrictions. States like Pennsylvania and Virginia, Iowa and Kentucky who offer direct access require their DA PTs to complete rigorous direct access continuing education in order to maintain certification. Screening courses such as Differential Diagnosis allow direct access physical therapists to properly evaluate patients and determine when referring them to an alternate healthcare professional is the right course of action.

Here are a few things that direct access physical therapy professionals (and those interested in certification) need to know about differential diagnosis.

Want to complete you direct access continuing education at home?

Visit our course catalog today!! Our online continuing education is perfect for meeting your Pennsylvania direct access CEs or your Virginia direct access CEs.

This article was written by Amy-Lynn Corey

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